World and Resource


All the data global to your game is stored in what is called a "World". That includes, for instance, all the entities of your game. Entities are covered in their own chapter.

The world really is just a hash table mapping keys (character strings) to resources.


What is a resource? Anything you want! The only requirement is that it must be a pointer. Other than that, you can have anything you want except for function pointers, because of the C language specification forbidding it. If you really need to store a function pointer in your World, wrap them in a heap-allocated structure and it will be fine!

Usage in the libgote

Creating a new world

You will rarely ever need to create or destroy a world directly (libgote does it for you when you create a gt_app_t). Though, here's how you would do it:

// create a world this way:
gt_world_t *world = gt_world_create();

// destroy it when you're done!

Resource insertion

When inserting a resource in the world, you can optionally specify a destructor to be called when the resource is removed or the world destroyed:

list_t *cool_stuff = list_from(3, "furries", "undertale", "you");

// the destroyer must be explicitly cast because C cannot implicitly cast
// function pointers, even when they are compatible.
gt_world_insert(world, "cool_stuff", data, (void (*)(void*)) &list_destroy);

For resources which do not need to be destroyed (i.e. static value), just set the destroyer to NULL:

gt_world_insert(world, "some_string", "Hey! This is a resource!", NULL);

Resource retrieval

Getting a resource from the world is straightforward:

const char *my_resource = gt_world_get(world, "some_string");

my_printf("%s", my_resource); // "Hey! This is a resource!"

Resource removal

Removing a resource from the world is, also, straightforward:

gt_world_remove(world, "some_string");

Note that gt_world_remove does NOT return anything! The resource is destroyed as soon as you remove it from the world.